понедељак, 26. јануар 2015.

Da li znamo kako se reklamirati?

Svako od nas želi biti uspešan u svome poslu. A to nije tako lako. Treba mnogo znati o tome kako biti uspešan.
Ja ne znam mnogo o internet marketingu i ne znam mnogo o pravilima reklamiranja.
Zato volim pročitati e-mail moga upline, uvek dobijem dobre savete.
.Za mene je interesantna statistika da se reklame najviše čitaju i gledaju utorkom oko 12 h.
Sada  znam, znači oglase je najbolje predati utorkom prepodne i oko podneva.
 U ovom tekstu, koji je dostupan svima nama, na sajtu SFI, evo link: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/SpecialReports/FreeAdvertising
možemo pronaći veoma interesantne stvari o reklamiranju.

Mnogo se priča o email marketingu. Zaista je dobro znati da pomoću dobrog autorespondera možemo mnogo vremena sebi uštedeti, a istovremeno biti stalno u kontaktu sa svojim članovima, obaveštavati ih o novostima u programu, pozivati ih na razne aktivnosti, i na taj način držati članove aktivnim.
Danas postoje besplatni, dosta kvalitetni Autoresponderi, svako neka nađe onaj koji mu najviše odgovara.

Do you know how to advertise?

  Each of us wants to be successful in their work. And it's not so easy. It takes a lot to know about how to be successful.
I do not know much about internet marketing and do not know much about the rules of advertising.
That's why I love to read e-mail my upline, I always get good advice.

For me the interesting statistics that most advertisements are reading and watching every Tuesday about 12 h.
 Now that you know, means the best ads submitted Tuesday morning, and at noon.
  In this text, which is available to all of us, to the SFI website, here's the link: https://www.sfimg.com/Training/SpecialReports/FreeAdvertising
we can find very interesting things about advertising.
There is also one software: Adwizard, If you like Adwizard and would like to keep using it after 60 days,
a license is just a one-time cost of $ 14.95.
I read about it and I think I'll take it and try it out.
Review you, if you think you can help, use it, and lighten your work.

A lot of talk about email marketing. It's really good to know that using a good autoresponder can save yourself a lot of time, but at the same time to be constantly in touch with its members, inform them of the news program, inviting them to a variety of activities, and thus to keep members active.

Magdolna Jankovic